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Mechanical Liaison Officer's Report - AAPRCO/Amtrak Technical Committee Core Meeting of (6/29/00)


Subject: AAPRCO/Amtrak Technical Committee Core Meeting of (6/29/00)

Notes: DeVerter proposed adding language to the Committee Report, which was not adopted by Scott. He proposed adding to the Purpose Clause so that it would include "rationalization" and "modification" of the procedures and practices as purposes for the Committee. He further proposed adding to the Concept Clause so that the purpose of the committee might be "modified as appropriate". His remaining changes were adopted. Scott indicated that the points not adopted will be covered in future meetings.

The Report ends with references to a Team meeting to be held in St. Louis on July 26. This meeting was not held at that time, and is now scheduled for Chicago on August 24 (Thursday). The date and location of the next meeting for the original group has been changed to Washington, DC on Sept 21 (Thursday).

And now the report:


Amtrak – AAPRCO Technical Meeting

Meeting One

June 29, 2000 – Houston


Paul DeVerter          

Diane Elliott             

Michael Ponicki               

Bart Barton               

Harold Weisinger   

Kevin Scott


To provide a forum to ensure consistent understanding and application of the standard maintenance procedures and practices for privately owned railroad cars operating on Amtrak, and: to facilitate development of processes to support communication of the standards and practices to appropriate parties.

Today’s Agenda

Concept of the Committee

The group discussed the concept of the committee. Group agreed upon the purpose of the committee as outlined above.

Structure of Technical Committee

The group agreed that the attendees today constitute the Technical Committee core team.  Other subject matter experts will be called upon from time to time as necessary.  The committee members will disseminate reports to appropriate organization members to ensure comprehensive review of the issues, proposed procedures, recommendations for new procedures or modification of procedures.

Schedule of Meetings

The group agreed that the committee should begin a schedule of meetings on a quarterly basis.  Formation of work groups or training activities may be scheduled on a more frequent basis as necessary.

Source Documents

Source documents that the committee recommends for owners include:

·      APTA Manual of Standards and Recommended Practices for Rail Passenger Equipment (1999 edition)

·      AAR Manual of Standards and Recommended Practices – Section A, Part 3 – Passenger Car Requirements (revised 1984)

·      AAR Manual of Standards and Recommended Practices - Section G, Parts 1 and 2 – Wheels and Axles

·      Code of Federal Regulations – Passenger Equipment Safety Standards – Part 238

·      CFR – Passenger Train Emergency Preparedness – Part 239

·      Amtrak Coupler Training Manual

·      Appropriate Code of Tests for Passenger Car Equipment for Air Brake

·      CFR 49 Parts 218, 221, 223, 225, 231, 232.

·      Field Manual of the A. A. R. Interchange Rules.

·      Amtrak Standard Maintenance Procedures

·      Updates to these documents as made available

·      National Electric Code

·      Federal Railroad Administration Interpretations

Guidelines for Private Car Owners

The group agreed that a document that gives general guidelines and an overview of requirements to operate on the Amtrak system be made available to private car owners.  Harold will work with Bart to develop such a document.  Contents of such a document might include the following:

·      General Requirements

·      Initial inspections

·      Availability and qualification of inspectors

·      Suitability of inspection locations

·      Availability of inspection tools and devices

·      Submission of engineering documents

·      Change over of trucks, brakes, and coupler systems

·      Structural changes

·      Movement of non-approved equipment (“shop move”) – including preparations and pre-inspection

·      Test Protocols and Guideline

·      Appeals and Waivers Processes

·      Glossary

·      Bibliography

·      Clearance Information

·      Safety Issues

·      References to appropriate CFR, APTA, and other regulations, maintenance and operating recommendations, and applicable practices.

Training Issues

Training for inspectors needs to be scheduled.  Harold and Mike will arrange for this and advise who the qualified personnel are.  Other training sessions for owners and operators will be scheduled from time to time, where and when feasible, to include HEP, truck systems, brake systems.  Those classes may be at Amtrak’s cost, may require fees paid by owners and operators, or may be jointly funded.

Distribution of Information

AAPRCO will disseminate information and updates to their membership via direct mailing, newsletter and the Internet as appropriate.  Amtrak will use existing channels to distribute information to appropriate parties.

Work Done in Amtrak Facilities

Amtrak’s policy regarding availability of shop time and compliance with standards governing private cars needs to be communicated.

27 – Pin Connector Issue

Can this be an optional item for car owners – should it be tied to “A” clearance for NEC?

Action Items to be Completed by Next Meeting









Draft of Guideline Document


First comprehensive draft of “Guidelines for Private Car Owners and Operators” including input from other key stakeholders.


Harold Weisinger

And Bart Barton


Amtrak Shop Time Availability


What is the policy from Amtrak’s point of view regarding servicing of private cars


Harold Weisinger

And Kevin Scott


27 – Pin Connector Issue


Can this be an optional item for cars – should it be tied to “A” clearance to accommodate NEC requirements?


Kevin Scott

And Harold Weisinger


Detailed Technical Meeting


A meeting of inspectors and subject matter experts to address the issues and items enumerated above.


Harold Weisinger

And Bart Barton


Office and Tools for Amtrak Personnel


Lap Top and Cellular Telephone for Harold.  Lap Top for Mike Ponicki.  Office arrangements for Mike Ponicki


Kevin Scott


Standard Maintenance Procedures


Secure current copies of Standard Maintenance Procedures for each committee member.


Harold Weisinger

Meeting of Technical and Inspection Team

A tentative meeting date of July 26th was set to take place in St. Louis.  Bart and Harold will set up and identify who should attend.

Date for Next Meeting

The next meeting of this group will be held in Chicago on September 20th, 2000.

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