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Mechanical Liaison Officer's Report - Draft Gear (4/10/1989)

Subject:  Draft Gear (4/10/1989)

[10/12/87] Draft Gear - Until further notice, Amtrak advises that you should not install any more Freightmaster, or similar, draft gear on passenger cars if it is the sort which allows the buffer plates to separate. Further details as they develop.


[1/7/88] Draft Gear - I advised in my last bulletin that Amtrak would not accept Freightmaster, or similar, draft gear on passenger cars if it is of the sort which allows the buffer plates to separate in service. Amtrak believes they have found a solution to the separation problem, and their engineering department is presently studying the solution. If it proves feasible, then the ban will be lifted, after the changes in the draft gear are made.


[6/20/88] Draft Gear - You will recall that I mentioned that the freight car draft gear which slides, and allows the car bodies to move apart has been banned because of safety considerations in moving from car to car, and having the buffer plates open beneath you. There are two manufacturers of this type of draft gear, namely Freight Master and Keystone. Freight Master has provided Amtrak with prints showing how this sliding action may be prevented, and the matter is being considered by Amtrak's engineering department. It appears that a fix for this problem with Freight Master gear is relatively simple and inexpensive. However, there has been no response from Keystone, and if you have, or contemplate putting in Keystone draft gear, you need to get their attention and have them submit prints to Amtrak (Laird) showing how this sliding mechanism can be disabled while on an Amtrak train.


[4/10/89] Draft Gear Modifications - I have seen a print of the modification made by Clark Johnson to the Caritas to disable the draft-slack mechanism of his Keystone draft gear. The modification has apparently been approved, but I have not yet received a blueprint, or other indication from Amtrak engineering. Just as soon as I do, I will pass the word on to you.


Paul L. DeVerter II

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