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Mechanical Liaison Officer's Report - Railroads - Southern Pacific (7/10/1995)


Subject:  Railroads - Southern Pacific (7/10/1995)

[8/31/92] Movement of Passenger Cars and Freight Trains on Southern Pacific - Beginning in May, 1992, the Southern Pacific has begun to require a great deal of information, and then a mechanical inspection, before it will handle passenger cars in freight trains. The problem, as you might imagine, was caused by cars showing up for interchange which were not in the best of condition. The initial reaction of the Southern Pacific was to require all kinds of information which most owners do not have, in an attempt to either discourage, or raise an impossible burden, so that the owner would go elsewhere. For example, the SP asked for builder's prints of the general arrangement, brake arrangement, and underframe of all cars, accompanied by color photographs of both sides, ends, and roof. In June, we provided several pages of input to the Southern Pacific, particularly requesting if the car had already met Amtrak standards, and had current PC-1 or PC-2 inspections, then nothing further should be required, except a walk around inspection.

In August, the Southern Pacific issued its car maintenance procedure styled CMP-F-G1-38A (Russell, Mechanical Dept., San Francisco) detailing in 8 pages the requirements for acceptance of privately owned passenger cars for movement in freight trains on the Southern Pacific. While all of the information can be gathered, it will be a Herculean task, and much of it is truly unnecessary. I believe that ultimately the Southern Pacific will accept inspections made in accordance with either the Amtrak PC-1 or PC-2 forms, but you certainly cannot tell that from this latest Procedure which they have mandated. I will continue to attempt to work with the Southern Pacific, with the hope that cars which are Amtrak approved will be moved without most of the information, but I do not expect any retreat on their part for cars which have not been accepted by Amtrak.

[7/10/95] SP MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS - The SP has revised and updated its mechanical inspection forms. They have been updated as of June 1, 1995. If you are an active member, a copy of the 9 page document is enclosed. These were printed and furnished by the SP. I did not get enough for everyone. If you are not an active member, but need one, contact Larry Haines.

I am told that generally the SP will accept cars for movement in their freight trains which have a current PC-2. Like any system run by mortals, expect glitches, and turn your paperwork in, well in advance. PLAN AHEAD! You will note the last item on the list is the requirement for an installed AEI tag. The SP mechanical requirements are quite lengthy. SP suggests that you start your file with them well in advance of a projected move, and then complete the file with current lubrication, air dates, etc. just before your projected movement.

If you have questions about the SP form CMP-F-GI-38C, the contact is:

Clifford F. Miller, Engineer of Cars

Southern Pacific Lines, Mechanical Department

Room 104, One Market Plaza

San Francisco, California 94105

Phone 415/541-1447 and Fax 415/541-1314.

Paul L. DeVerter II

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